Sunday, September 20, 2009

New blog?

Resolution Revolution

New year’s resolution makes me wonder if any person that I know, just any one, has put in an effort to fulfill and successfully accomplish the promise that a person makes at the start of the year or before the turn of the year.  Each year, everyone that I am close to, makes some promising determination to make good changes, be it to their lifestyle, their career or just personal life.  But chances, or at least in my case, making a new year resolution does not work.

In one year, I told myself to quite some old habit, only to know that at the end of the year, nothing was changed.  In the following year, I forgot about the resolution that I made and failed.  I preceded on to make a new one which is to have a baby.  Nothing happened.  After that year, I made a stronger determination to do something really difference – something that was very much within my control unlike pregnancy.  It was to learn Spanish language to prepare myself to visit latin America in the following year and to get a driving licence.   Guess what?  I got pregnant at the start of the year the moment I started working on my resolution by signing up with Comfort Driving Centre.   I had no choice, but to drop the Spanish language but still stick to the driving.  In this way, I can at least have 50% of my resolution done. 

However, some lessons into the driving, I realized I have problem staying alert and focused through the lesson and at some points, almost caused accidents on the road.  I guess there are still many areas that was not controlled nor decided by me. I dropped from the driving and focused on keeping up with good health through the pregnancy.  The due was in November and my kid was delivered in November 2008.  By the time I was done with my confinement, it was time for me to make new resolution and reflect on my achievements, failures and areas to be improved in all aspects, including work, family, personal and health.